We have a Friends of the AFO

Keep in touch with the AFO, be the first to hear about concerts!

Why,  you might ask!  Well there are various reasons. We want to

  • keep in touch with anyone else who might be interested in the orchestra, together with former members and their families.
  • keep contact details of former members up to date for possible future reunions.
  • ensure that as many people as possible hear about concerts etc.  Whilst we publicise in the usual ways eg newspapers, posters etc, we are aware that not everyone sees this form of publicity.  We want to avoid anyone being disappointed that they have missed a concert that they would like to have attended.

What is the benefit of becoming an AFO FRIEND ?

  • We send out occasional newsletters by email.  These will give information about
    • the various concerts and events that AFO and Innovation will be involved in
    • News from overseas tours
    • Anything else that we think might be of interest to you.

How will you receive this information ?
We will email the newsletters to you.
Who can become an AFO FRIEND ?
Anyone!  It is not restricted to former members and family.
What would we like you to do?

  • Contact us as soon as possible to let us know if you would like to become an AFO FRIEND by completing the contact form
  • Contact your family and friends to see if they would like to become an AFO FRIEND.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Become a Friend of the AFO

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