As are well practised now at getting up and packing the buses for another travel day. This morning we left Montréal for Toronto a little later than planned after getting back quite late last night we had to push the leaving time a little and once we pack the busses one of them wouldn’t start so that caused another 45-minute delay to the day.
The bus journey total should only have been about 5 and a half hours but with stops, traffic and weather it took us closer to 8 hours’ total for today journeys. Luckily, we have good supply of DVD’s for the buses, even the wonderful AFO DVD that we sell at the merchandise table that we all enjoyed this morning.
We ended up arriving at the venue 2 hours later than we had initially predicted, so we knew it would be tight to eat and get changed before the concert, what we didn’t quite expect was the heat of the church we were playing in. We set up and had a quick burger in the time that we had. The concert started a little late but the audience gave us a warm welcome anyway.
With many bottles of water and a few fans in the room the heat was still too much for the orchestra so for the second half we took it outside. We had a great time at the church who were able to set up seats outside very quickly, a huge thanks to them for tonight.
The second half was a great success but everyone was very happy to get back to the air conditioned bus for the short drive to our beds for this evening.
We have just arrived at the very lovely Chelsea Hotel in Toronto for a good night’s sleep before a relaxed sight-seeing day followed by Tour Awards evening.
Quote of the day – “A warm welcome this evening, well a very very warm evening” – Euan Terras
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